Acquire the necessary vitamins and nutrition your body needs for overall well-being.

Vitamins & Amino Acid Therapy

Want to optimize your health and performance?

IV therapy optimizes hydration and directly administers vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream. Numerous patients have reported experiencing positive effects shortly after their appointment (results may vary from person to person).

Narrow Path Medical provides IV infusion therapy across all 50 states, offering the convenience of in-home or office visits for your treatment.

The Advantages of Injectable Vitamins and Amino Acids

Unlock the potential of injectable vitamins and embrace a heightened state of well-being. These remarkable intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, available only through self-administration, provide a powerful fusion of crucial vitamins and amino acids directly to your muscle and fat tissue, allowing for the finest absorption of essential nutrients. Observe the incredible effectiveness of this technique as your body assimilates these vital components, promoting complete health and revitalization.

Choices for Vitamin and Amino Acid Injections.

L-Glutathione, composed of amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid, is a potent antioxidant. It plays crucial roles in mitochondrial function, DNA production, detoxifying the brain and cells, immune support, metabolism, tissue repair, enzyme functions, and combatting free radicals’ damaging effects. Unlike most antioxidants, the human liver can produce glutathione. It’s present in every cell and some foods, but oral consumption has limited absorption. Supplements such as curcumin, N-acetylcysteine, selenium, silymarin, vitamin C, and Vitamin E aid glutathione production. Levels naturally decrease with age and due to factors like stress, malnutrition, and environmental toxins
Methylcobalamin, an active Vitamin B12 form, supports energy, protein synthesis, metabolism, blood, and nerve function. Although most obtain sufficient B12 from their diet, some require supplementation. Factors like digestive issues, poor nutrition, specific health conditions (e.g., cancer, HIV), pregnancy, aging, veganism, and alcoholism can lead to B12 deficiency. Low B12 levels may cause fatigue and anemia, while severe deficiencies can impact heart and neurological functions, resulting in various symptoms like tinnitus, joint pain, memory problems, depression, anxiety, and more. Infertility can also be a consequence. Early intervention and treatment are vital for overall health.
NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) contributes to focus, memory, mental clarity, and addresses chronic fatigue syndrome. It enhances cognitive function, particularly focus and concentration, primarily through cell regeneration. NAD+ plays a vital role in regulating major biological processes and the body’s response to stress.
Magnesium chloride is a source of magnesium, a vital mineral that supports nerve, cell, bone, muscle, and heart function. It plays a pivotal role in energy synthesis, DNA formation, and bone density. While most people acquire sufficient magnesium from their diet, supplementation may be necessary in some cases. Foods rich in fiber, like nuts, dark chocolate, avocados, fatty fish, seeds, and whole grains, are typically high in magnesium. Medically, magnesium salts are used to address magnesium deficiency, with magnesium chloride being a commonly employed option. Magnesium deficiency is more prevalent in women, African Americans, and the elderly. Low blood magnesium levels have been associated with conditions such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and stroke. Factors like alcoholism, poor diet, uncontrolled diabetes, and diuretic medications can also contribute to magnesium deficiency, necessitating treatment.
Lipo + is a powerful combination injection featuring key lipotropic ingredients that promote efficient fat burning and enhanced sugar metabolism, potentially boosting metabolism. This product is available in a combo with B12 Methylcobalamin. The individual components include:
Promotes red blood cell production and food-to-energy conversion.
Helps break down sugars and carbohydrates, converting them into energy.
Supports the conversion of food into energy.
Reduces muscle recovery time and aids in the conversion of fat into energy.
Methionine, an amino acid, serves as a lipotropic agent, expediting fat removal from the liver to prevent skin and nail issues. It acts as an antioxidant by converting to L-Cysteine, neutralizing toxins.
A component of the B-vitamin complex, acts as a mild lipotropic agent, aiding in weight loss and fat redistribution by breaking down fats. It also supports healthy hair and skin.
Another member of the B-vitamin family, promotes fat utilization and weight loss. It emulsifies fats and cholesterol, facilitating their transport through the bloodstream. Choline aids in liver detoxification, reduces congestion of excess fats, and combats fatigue. Depletion of choline may hinder fat metabolism and utilization in the body.